Food jobs in Beaverton, OR

  • Restaurant worker

    Restaurant worker

    If you're looking for a fast-paced, customer service oriented job, McDonald's is the place for you. ... read more

Food job opportunities in Beaverton

Beaverton, Oregon, is a bustling city with plenty of food job opportunities. From restaurant servers to line cooks to bakers and more, there are plenty of opportunities for people looking for work in the food industry.

One of the major employers in Beaverton is the Burgerville chain. They offer a variety of positions from full-time cooks to part-time cashiers. You can apply online or at one of their local restaurants. The company offers competitive wages and benefits, plus they offer on-the-job training and career advancement opportunities.

Food jobs in Beaverton, OR
Ian Poellet, CC BY-SA 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons

If you're looking for an upscale dining experience, you may want to consider applying at Uptown Market & Deli. This high-end deli features locally sourced ingredients and offers a unique array of sandwiches and salads. They're always looking for experienced line cooks and prep staff, as well as friendly customer service personnel. Uptown Market & Deli also has a popular catering service that requires additional personnel on an as-needed basis.

Another great food job opportunity in Beaverton is the Whole Foods Market located at The Streets Of Tanasbourne Mall. Whole Foods offers a wide variety of organic foods, including produce, meats, fish, dairy products, baked goods, supplements and more. They're always looking for motivated individuals to join their team as line cooks, prep cooks, bakery assistants and more.

If you're interested in working with locally produced products, then you should check out the Cedar Hills Farmers Market. This weekly market features some of Oregon's best organic produce grown by local farmers. The market also features handmade crafts like jewelry and clothing items made by local artisans. There are often job openings available such as cashiers or customer service representatives who help customers pick out the freshest produce or answer questions about the various products available.

Finally, if you have experience in catering or event planning then you should definitely look into working with one of Beaverton's many catering companies such as Blue Ribbon Catering Services or Simply Elegant Catering & Events LLC. These companies are always looking for experienced chefs and kitchen staff members who can cook up amazing dishes for any occasion. You could also find work setting up tables and chairs for events or helping customers choose their menu items depending on their needs.

Beaverton has plenty of food job opportunities for those interested in the culinary world or hospitality industry; all it takes is some research and dedication to find the perfect fit!