Food jobs in Northampton County, PA

  • Restaurant worker

    Restaurant worker

    If you're looking for a fast-paced, customer service oriented job, McDonald's is the place for you. ... read more

Food job opportunities in Northampton County

Looking for a food-related job in Northampton County, Pennsylvania? You're in luck! The county is home to a number of food-related businesses, from farms and grocery stores to restaurants and catering companies. And with a population of over 300,000, there's always a demand for good food workers.

Food jobs in Northampton County, PA
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If you're interested in working on a farm, there are several options in Northampton County. Many local farmers sell their produce at farmer's markets or through Community Supported Agriculture (CSA) programs. Some also have on-farm stores or participate in farm-to-table programs at local restaurants. There are opportunities for both full-time and part-time work on farms, depending on the time of year and the specific needs of the farm.

If you're interested in working in a grocery store, Northampton County has several large chain stores as well as many smaller independent grocers. There are usually always job openings for cashiers and stockers, but positions for managers and other higher-level positions may open up from time to time as well. Grocery stores are generally open 7 days a week, so employees need to be able to work flexible hours.

The restaurant industry is booming in Northampton County, with new establishments opening all the time. Whether you're looking for fine dining or casual fare, there's sure to be a place that's hiring cooks, servers, bartenders, and host/hostesses. Most restaurants are open 7 days a week for lunch and dinner service, so employees need to be available to work evenings and weekends. Some restaurants may also offer brunch service on Sundays.

If you have experience working in catering or event planning, there are several companies in Northampton County that could use your help! Local businesses often contract with catering companies for office parties, holiday events, and other special occasions. And with weddings being such a popular event in the area (thanks to all of the historic venues!), there's always demand for good caterers who can provide delicious food and professional service.