Food jobs in Olmsted County, MN

  • Restaurant worker

    Restaurant worker

    If you're looking for a fast-paced, customer service oriented job, McDonald's is the place for you. ... read more

Food job opportunities in Olmsted County

Olmsted County is home to a variety of food job opportunities. From large grocery stores to small family-owned businesses, there's something for everyone. And with the recent addition of the Mayo Clinic, there are even more opportunities for those in the food industry.

Food jobs in Olmsted County, MN
Jonathunder, CC BY-SA 3.0, via Wikimedia Commons

The Mayo Clinic is one of the largest employers in Olmsted County, and they are always in need of talented individuals to work in their cafeterias and restaurants. They offer a variety of positions, from cooks and dishwashers to servers and bartenders. If you're looking for a stable job with good pay and benefits, the Mayo Clinic is a great option.

Another large employer in Olmsted County is Walmart. They have several locations throughout the county, and each store has a sizeable staff that works in their grocery department. Positions at Walmart include cashiers, stockers, produce clerks, meat clerks, and bakery associates. If you're interested in working for Walmart, be sure to apply online or in person at your local store.

There are also many smaller businesses that offer food job opportunities in Olmsted County. These businesses include mom-and-pop restaurants, cafes, bakeries, catering companies, food trucks, and more. Many of these businesses are always searching for reliable employees who are passionate about food. So if you're looking for a unique job opportunity that allows you to work with interesting people and serve delicious food items, definitely consider applying at one of these smaller businesses!