Food jobs in Yamhill County, OR

  • Restaurant worker

    Restaurant worker

    If you're looking for a fast-paced, customer service oriented job, McDonald's is the place for you. ... read more

Food job opportunities in Yamhill County

Looking for a food job in Yamhill County, Oregon? You're in luck! The county is home to a variety of food-related businesses, from farms and wineries to restaurants and food processors. With its close proximity to the Willamette Valley - one of the most productive agricultural regions in the country - Yamhill County is an ideal place to start or continue your career in the food industry.

Food jobs in Yamhill County, OR
M.O. Stevens, CC BY-SA 3.0, via Wikimedia Commons

Farms & Wineries

Yamhill County's mild climate and rich soils make it perfect for growing a wide variety of crops, including grapes for wine production. There are over 100 wineries located in Yamhill County, making it one of the top wine-producing regions in Oregon. Many of these wineries are small family-owned operations, offering unique opportunities for those interested in working in the wine industry. In addition to grape growers and winemakers, these businesses need individuals with skills in marketing, sales, accounting, and customer service.

Restaurants & Food Processors

The abundance of fresh produce grown in Yamhill County makes it a mecca for chefs and restaurateurs looking to source local ingredients. From farm-to-table eateries to casual cafes serving up down-home cooking, there's something for everyone when it comes to dining out in Yamhill County. And with several large food processors located here - including some that specialize in organic and natural foods - there are also numerous opportunities for those interested in working behind the scenes in the food industry. These businesses need employees with experience in manufacturing, quality control, packaging, distribution, and more.