Healthcare jobs in Lonoke County, AR

  • Pet Sitter

    Pet Sitter

    Get paid to play with dogs. Become a pet sitter and connect with local dog and cat owners looking for ... read more

  • Nanny / Babysitter

    Nanny / Babysitter

    Do you like children? Work as a nanny / babysitter and take care of other people's children. read more

  • Senior care provider

    Senior care provider

    As a caregiver, you'll provide much-needed assistance with activities of daily living, such as bathing, ... read more

Healthcare job opportunities in Lonoke County

Healthcare job opportunities in Lonoke County are vast and varied. The county is home to two hospitals, four clinics, and numerous long-term care facilities. Healthcare jobs in Lonoke County span the gamut from entry-level positions to highly specialized roles.

Healthcare jobs in Lonoke County, AR
Brandonrush, CC BY-SA 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons

Lonoke County Medical Center is the largest hospital in the county. It is a full-service facility with over 200 beds. The medical center offers a wide range of services, including emergency care, surgery, maternity care, and rehabilitation services. The hospital employs over 1,000 people in a variety of roles, from registered nurses and doctors to janitors and administrative staff.

Clayton Valley Medical Clinic is one of four clinics located in Lonoke County. Clayton Valley provides primary care services to residents of the county. The clinic has a staff of eight physicians who provide care for patients of all ages. In addition to general medical care, Clayton Valley offers specialty services such as sports medicine and pediatrics. The clinic employs approximately 30 people total, including support staff and medical professionals.

There are also several long-term care facilities located in Lonoke County that provide skilled nursing care and assisted living services to seniors citizens. These facilities typically employ larger staffs than hospitals or clinics due to the around-the-clock nature of their operations. Many healthcare job opportunities in Lonoke County exist within these long-term care settings.