Hospitality jobs in Lakewood, CO

  • Hotel Worker

    Hotel Worker

    Marriott hotels offer a variety of opportunities: front desk, house keeping, kitchens and more. From ... read more

  • Hotel Worker

    Hotel Worker

    Work in a Hilton hotel. Multiple positions: front-desk, kitchen, house keeping, restaurants and more. read more

  • Cleaner / Housekeeper

    Cleaner / Housekeeper

    Earn as a cleaner at Marry Maids. Flexible schedule on your own terms. read more

Hospitality job opportunities in Lakewood

Looking for a great hospitality job in Lakewood? Check out the following options!

Hospitality jobs in Lakewood, CO
Thomson200, CC BY-SA deed.en, via Wikimedia Commons

The first place to look for hospitality jobs in Lakewood is at hotels. There are many hotels located in and around the city, so finding a position should not be difficult. Many of these hotels are always looking for talented and hardworking individuals to join their team. If you have experience working in the hospitality industry, then your chances of landing a job at a hotel are even better.

Another option for finding hospitality jobs in Lakewood is through restaurants. There are plenty of dining options available in the city, so there are bound to be openings at some point. Keep your eye on popular restaurant chains as well as local establishments. You never know when an opening will come up that is perfect for your skillset.

If you have experience working with events, then another great option for finding hospitality jobs in Lakewood is through event planning companies. These companies often need help with setting up and running events, so if you have the right skillset they may be worth considering. Many of these companies also offer internships which can give you valuable experience working within the industry.

There are also many opportunities available through catering companies operating within Lakewood. These businesses cater all sorts of events, from weddings to corporate functions, so there is always a demand for good staff members. If you enjoy cooking and serving food, then this could be the perfect option for you. Again, many catering companies also offer internships which can give you some great experience working within the industry prior to securing full-time employment.