Hospitality jobs in Lane County, OR

  • Hotel Worker

    Hotel Worker

    Marriott hotels offer a variety of opportunities: front desk, house keeping, kitchens and more. From ... read more

  • Hotel Worker

    Hotel Worker

    Work in a Hilton hotel. Multiple positions: front-desk, kitchen, house keeping, restaurants and more. read more

  • Cleaner / Housekeeper

    Cleaner / Housekeeper

    Earn as a cleaner at Marry Maids. Flexible schedule on your own terms. read more

Hospitality job opportunities in Lane County

The hospitality industry in Lane County offers a wide variety of job options. From working in a hotel or resort to being a chef or server in a restaurant, there are many opportunities for those seeking employment in the hospitality field.

Hospitality jobs in Lane County, OR
Bobjgalindo, CC BY-SA 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons

Working in a hotel or resort can be a very rewarding experience. There are many different positions available, from front desk clerk to housekeeping staff. Those who enjoy working with people and providing outstanding customer service would do well in this type of environment.

Those interested in cooking and food preparation may want to consider becoming a chef or server at one of the county's many restaurants. This is an excellent way to learn about different cuisines and gain experience working in the food service industry. servers must be able to provide efficient and friendly service while chefs must be able to create delicious dishes that will please even the most discerning palate.

For those who prefer not to work directly with guests, there are plenty of other options available within the hospitality industry as well. Many hotels and resorts have event planning departments which coordinate weddings, corporate meetings, and other special events held at their facilities. Event planners must be highly organized and detail oriented individuals who are capable of handling multiple tasks simultaneously.