Transportation jobs in Ada County, ID

  • Delivery Courier

    Delivery Courier

    Uber Eats is a food delivery service that partners with local restaurants to bring users their favorite ... read more

  • Delivery Driver

    Delivery Driver

    Work as a delivery courier at your own pace delivering restarant meals to clients via Doordash. read more

  • Private Driver

    Private Driver

    If you're looking for a flexible way to earn money, driving with Uber is a great option. You can set ... read more

Transportation job opportunities in Ada County

When it comes to job options in the transportation industry, Ada County has a lot to offer. From bus drivers and taxi drivers to truckers and train conductors, there are plenty of ways to get involved in the transportation industry in Ada County.

Transportation jobs in Ada County, ID
MATTHEW HARRISON SMITH, CC BY-SA 3.0, via Wikimedia Commons

For those who want to stay close to home, there are plenty of opportunities for bus drivers and taxi drivers. Both positions require a valid driver's license and a clean driving record. Bus drivers may also need to have a commercial driver's license (CDL), depending on the company they work for. Taxi drivers will need to be familiar with the Ada County area in order to provide efficient service to their customers.

Those who are looking for something a little more adventurous can find jobs as truckers or train conductors. Truckers typically haul goods from one location to another, while train conductors operate trains carrying passengers or freight. Both positions require CDLs, as well as experience operating large vehicles. Train conductors may also need additional certification from the Federal Railroad Administration (FRA).